
The project was delivered on time and under budget, providing a building that won the Construction Association of South Florida (www.casf.org) overall ...

1500 Broadway won the East Bay Real Estate deal of the year for design and deal execution. The investors that believed in Equistone Partners and the v ...

Congress Corporate Park II is a single-story office building built in the mid 1980’s in the North Boca Raton Submarket. When this building was devel ...

Having the right relationships and strategy is a recipe for a successful real estate project. During the 2008 Recession we saw our fair share of faile ...

Through the creative structured lease that Equistone Partners negotiated, the client was able to minimize the carry costs associated with its projecte ...

Equistone Partners identified a great piece of real estate that was challenged by ineffective marketing and acquired the property at a price well belo ...

Equistone Partners analyzed the rent roll and turn over, found and mitigated leasing rollover risk, brought the property to market and set the high-wa ...

Equistone Partners bought the property at auction, completed multiple leases and stabilized the asset. A buyer was identified that purchased the asset ...